Program Denim Day NL

Denim Day NL

Denim Day NL asks organizations, businesses, students and people who want to speak out against Sexual Transgression to make a fashion statement on April 20, 2024 by wearing jeans on Denim Day.

The program for Denim Day in the Netherlands is not fixed yet so keep an eye on our website or subscribe to the Newsletter. The following activities are currently planned.

Activities on Denim Day

Speak out: experts by experience speak out

People who have experienced sexually transgressive behavior share their stories with the audience. How did it start, what choices did they make and what do they want to give others?

In conversation: policymakers and employers looking for solutions

How do you prevent sexually transgressive behavior? What do you do if you see it happening? How do you counsel employees who it happens to? How do you create a safe working environment? Important questions that experience experts, policy makers, psychologists and others will discuss.

Let yourself be heard: campaign!

You can buy the Denim Bracelet in several stores and through the Denim Day website. This was designed especially for Denim Day. It is made of denim leftover fabric. Part of the proceeds will be used to develop and implement the campaign and actions for Denim Day. Thus, the Denim Bracelet is the symbol for the message; there is never an excuse for sexually transgressive behavior.

Show yourself: a dazzling fashion show

Denim Day ends with a fashion show centered on Denim! Models show through fashion designed especially for this day that they are allowed to be there as they are. Female and male models make a statement; tight jeans are no alibi.

denim day logo is a foundation inspired by the global Denim Day campaign. The realization is owned by Media Luna Tell a Story. For more information:

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