Everyone in Denim on Denim Day

Denim Day NL is part of a global movement!

Program April 19

On April 19, 2024, the Netherlands will take a strong stand against sexual border crossing. For the very first time, Denim Day will be organized in our country, an event rooted in a global movement. This day is all about protest and awareness, and it speaks to society to take concerted action against this pressing issue of Sexual Border Crossing!

March through Amsterdam:

On April 19, 2024, a march will be organized in which participants will walk in denim to send a strong message against sexually transgressive behavior. There is a special call for sectors with uniforms (such as police, healthcare and transportation) to participate in partial denim, to show that sexual transgressive behavior occurs in all sectors and it must stop.

Closing Event and Speakers:

Following the march, an impressive and festive event will be held to celebrate the first time Denim Day has taken place and that we have taken action together.


It will also feature prominent speakers who will share their insights and experiences on sexual transgressive behavior and the importance of addressing this social problem.

Why Denim Day Netherlands

The Netherlands was rocked by numerous reports of sexually transgressive behavior. What began as an apparent problem among BN'ers, turned out to be deeply rooted in our society. Sexual border crossing is everywhere: in media, politics, sports and more. We are not going to wait for commissions of inquiry to come up with reports from which opinion reports are to emerge. With Denim Day we are going to start working ourselves because this has to change!

Who is Denim Day NL for?

Denim Day NL is for everyone who strives to end sexual border crossing. It is not just about victims or perpetrators, but about all of us. We are all part of workplaces, schools and communities where this issue is relevant. Only by taking collective action and holding each other accountable can we bring about real change and create a society where respect and safety are central. Our goal? A future without sexual transgression. Will you join us?

denim day logo

DenimDay.co.uk is a foundation inspired by the global Denim Day campaign. The realization is owned by Media Luna Tell a Story. For more information: info@denimday.nl

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